Saturday, December 13, 2008

Experiencing Snow : for Camera Critters

I wonder if this might be the first winter for this little American Goldfinch to experience snow. I believe it is a male for it retains a bit of its strong yellow colour around its throat although it is not in full breeding colours. The female at this time of year wears a dull, grayish - brownish colour overall.
My appreciative thanks to Misty for hosting this site. To see other participant's photo contributions just click HERE or on the Camera Critters logo on the side panel.


  1. It does look very young! And not sure whether it likes the snow or not! I tagged you in my blog for a meme on "the 5 greatest joys I find in nature". If you don't wish to do it, that's fine :-)

  2. I love goldfinches so much. This little guy is so sweet! Don't you want to hold him and stroke him?

  3. The bird in first picture looks fluffy. Great pictures. we had snow two weekends ago. but have been getting rain rain and more rain. Happy Week end

  4. I believe you are right about the goldfinch being a male. Most of them leave here as the summer moves along then come back in the spring. You would think they would stay around here where it is much warmer and very seldom any snow. Great pictures. Helen

  5. That's just delicate!

  6. Anonymous12:44 PM

    I think you may be right about his first snow. In those top two hedefinitely has that "What the heck...?" look.

  7. Even without their color, they look so pretty.

  8. The finches are so sweet. I love the little fellow you captured.

  9. I would love some birds like that on my bird table. I must admit that our Goldfinch is a very beautiful bird and we do get them in the garden on occasions. I will try and post a photo. On a previous post I'm intrigued at the range of temperatures you are experiencing. Even over here our temperatures only go a few degrees either side of zero at this time of year.

  10. The young one seems very young for this time of year. Isn't he/she a cutie though?

  11. Those little Goldfinches are so cute,all fluffed up in the cold weather

  12. These are so different to our European goldfinches but so, so sweet.

  13. He does look like a babe in the woods! Almost like he never saw snow before!! lol Such a cute face with a little yellow reflecting under his bill. Great photos for camera critters!!

  14. Great photos..I am jealous..I am still new to bird photography and only using a digascoping setup..I have a long way to go to get nice photos like yours...

  15. That little guy does look a bit perplexed. Probably thinks he should have flown South.

  16. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Awww..I have some in the flock that look like that. ...cute aren't they?

  17. I will have to take a closer look at our visiting goldfinches to see if I can ID the younger ones. Great pictures.

  18. Anonymous7:10 PM

    It looks like this goldfinch is new to the world this year with its beautiful and unworn feathers.

  19. Anonymous2:07 PM

    I love your bird photos and seeing what nature gives us everyday.
