Saturday, January 10, 2009

Bald Eagle: for Camera Critters

Even at a distance I could tell it was an Eagle for its bright, snow-white head and tail stood out and it easily distinguished itself from a Rough-legged Hawk. This morning we had been looking for Rough-legged Hawks along hwy #105 at Sheffield but did not see anything, other than a few crows. However on our return trip home we spied the Eagle!
I was only able to get a sideways view of it when I stood along the road, getting as close to it as I could without leaving the highway.
I did manage some in flight shots as it flew back deeper into the tree line beyond. When clicking on the photo to enlarge it you can see the beautiful detailing of its wings.

My appreciative thanks to Misty for hosting this site. To see other participant's photo contributions just click HERE or on the Camera Critters logo on the side panel.


  1. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Spectacular!! I never fail to be impressed and amazed at the shots you get!

  2. Beautiful pictures! A wonderful eagle

  3. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Absolutely gorgeous pictures. I admire your camera work. I can't ever seem to catch a bird in flight without blurring the shot.

  4. Such an amazing creature. You captured it in your photo beautifully!

  5. majesty in flight sandy lovely header

  6. Stunning pictures of a majestic bird!

  7. Wow, you really got some great shots of that eagle! I love the next to last one..where you are looking down on him somewhat...great detail. Such a thrill to see one of these birds..usually my heart is racing so much I have trouble keeping the camera! Great post.

  8. Anonymous6:24 PM

    What a great sighting! So glad you had your camera...

  9. Amazing series of shots! There is something quite awesome about an eagle at rest or in flight!

  10. Beautiful in flight photos.

  11. Magnificent bird and catch.

  12. I have never seen an eagle in person! these shots are wonderful!!

  13. Dianne,
    They are big, magnificent creatures!

  14. Beautiful shots. Helen

  15. The combination of big and graceful in these birds intrigues me. They look so very solid sitting on a branch, yet they spread their wings and they look like the very soul of the air.

    I enjoyed your story about your son and his title page. It's an interesting situation. I suppose teachers know why they do or do not want color. I am just wishing my daughter knew why she wasn't using color. I admire your son's confidence in his work. Good for him! That's the way to be.

  16. these are great shots!

  17. Are you kidding me? These are great photos!

  18. You always seem to be at the right place at the right time Ann. Amazing flight shots! What a magnificant bird.

  19. Love those Eagle shots...Wow..I wish I could get some shots like that with my point and shoot...oh well...I need the big guns for shots like that..

  20. Exquisite! I would have been so excited to see him I certainly would have missed the shot!

  21. Stunning and rare shots

  22. To see a bald eagle in the wild...oh how lucky you are! Fabulous shots and thank you for sharing them with us!

  23. Terrific! I'd love to see one sitting up in a tree and you got such wonderful photos of it! It really does have beautiful wings!

  24. Lovely shots of it in flight.

    Such majestic birds..

  25. Anonymous3:35 PM

    What beautiful images...each one on its own.

  26. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Always a great moment to catch a Bald Eagle - and you did good!
    Cheers, Klaus

    P.S.: I'm finally back from my hiatus and will be posting a boatload of new stuff! ;)

  27. Fantastic photos! What an awesome experience.

  28. What an awesome capture!
