Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Sepia Deer: for Sepia Scenes

This is a scene I came across this morning while out for a drive before the big snowstorm, that is currently happening, started. As I often post pictures of White-tailed Deer, I thought the use of a sepia format might give an old subject a new look.

A young deer had come out on the roadside as I approached a hill and bend beyond, and after watching my car for a moment it crossed in front of me. Still on the other side to where it had crossed, a car approached from the opposite direction and both, the other driver and I, being experienced with the sudden shift of plans of these beautiful wild creatures, waited a moment. And as suspected, the deer quickly had a change of mind and dashed across the road in front of both of our vehicles. As the deer bounded over the roadside and into a field beyond the other driver and I waved as we continued on our way.

Sepia Scenes is a meme hosted by Mary/the Teach and it offers the opportunity to share with others; beautiful scenes in sepia tones.


  1. This is different for sepia--good thing you guys waited. Glad you captured it, too.

  2. What a moment to catch. Lucky deer to not end up as roadkill.

  3. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Once I had a deer jump over the hood of my car! My heart was thumping!

  4. ..hmm like the idea of sepia scenes..haveto check out that meme!
    Good thing everyone was able to stop and enjoy this little guy..that road looks a little icey!!

  5. Nice series of shots. I really watch for the deer, my son hit 2 a few weeks back. As my husband says you never see the ones that hit you. Glad you were able to miss this one.

  6. Anonymous9:59 PM

    What great captures! I like the sepia, giving nature unique and wonderful contrasts.

  7. The sepia tones work well in these pictures. I am glad you are always ready with your camera!

  8. Living with them in our rural surroundings we too have learned to anticipate - you have too.
    You caught a great action shot and I like the sepia effect. They are pretty much a sepia color themselves. :)

  9. How wonderful that you had your camera to catch this lovely moment.

  10. Your photos turned out great. I am glad that the deer was safe now I hope it can find some food in all that snow. Helen

  11. Great that you could 'capture' this scene, and very nice in sepia.

  12. Your photos are so beautiful in sepia. So glad that you two were able to stop for the deer.

  13. That is one lucky deer. Great photo and the sepia tone is very nice.

  14. Wow...good thing you were both experienced with this! They do suddenly dart into the path of cars. I hate when they come out of a corn field or something where you can't see them until they suddenly are there! It looks great in sepia!

  15. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Beautiful shot of the Deer, I like sepia, I am only just starting with B/W.

    May I ask you? Just an observation,
    Canada Geese! do they bother to migrate home any more, we have no end here now....LOL

  16. Anonymous3:42 PM

    That's a very bad habit those deer have, that whole mind-change-in-the-middle-of-traffic thing! Glad all concerned were okay!!

  17. thank goodness for experienced drivers - we have too many drivers here who pay no attention to nature

    these shots are very dramatic in sepia!

  18. What a wonderful moment, the sepia really accents the action.

  19. So glad you both stopped, and so glad that you captured the moment. Each time I drive up the Parkway, I look for them, and pray the other drivers, whizzing along, are aware of them.

  20. what a great capture! i don't know if i'd ever be fast enough to take something like this. nicely done. :)

  21. Two incredible shots, Ann! Wow! I hope you were in the passenger seat! :)
