Sunday, January 04, 2009

A Starling Project

star carried nomenclature
with brown-edged shale layered tail
and snow flecked winter plumage

You are my inspiration!


  1. Looks interesting! Will look forward to what you are going to make! Isn't it fun to choose fabric that looks like different bird's feathers?

  2. mary:
    It is great fun and this was partially inspired from your interests and mention of fabric choices for various birds at previous times. I've kind of set myself up for I shall have to follow through on this, won't I. :-)

  3. I think all great artisits get their inspiration from nature. How could you NOT with such beauty surrounding us. What a perfect match - the fabric, thread and this beautiful bird!

  4. starlings get a bad rap at times, but i do think they are such pretty things. great capture.

  5. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Lovely poem! And are you making someone, yourself, a starling garment? Wonderful connection!

  6. Deborah:
    Hopefully it will be a Starling upon a landscape of fabric but other than that its proposed use is pretty undefined. My personal creative rules are pretty flexible but I have been wanting to create something from fabric for quite a while now... so we shall see what develops :-)

  7. Very nice! What will you make?

  8. Anonymous2:57 PM

    I love reading the poem, seeing the photo and then the fabric! I love being inspired and your blog shares inspiration with all of us! Thanks!

  9. Anonymous3:14 PM

    What an inspiration! I hope you'll share the finished project.

  10. Anonymous4:30 PM

    I'm glad they took time out from my bird feeders to serve as inspiration Ann...

  11. Wow...soooo love how you think...I love the fabrics you picked out..can't wait to see the results. I did one on american robins. just click on americna robins on my label list!! Do you have an idea of what you are going to make???

  12. Anonymous8:50 PM

    I never connected stars and starlings before, but now it seems obvious. I'm glad you pointed out the beauty in a "common" bird.

  13. I never much cared for starlings but your photos changed my mind. How beautiful!

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