Saturday, February 21, 2009

Common Goldeneye in the River

I saw some Common Goldeneye Ducks today in a section of open river near the Westfield, NB ferry crossing. I would say at least fifteen to twenty of them hastily retreated as soon as I got out of my car, even though I was far from the water. The distant duck in the first photo below (click to enlarge) was a bolder little fellow. This picture makes me think that he figured he and I were having some sort of standoff. He didn't fly away even though I know he saw me. I could feel his icy stare. Maybe he noticed that I didn't have my coat on and correctly guessed that I wouldn't last long in the blowing wind and freezing temperatures (perhaps that was the real cause of the icy feeling). I was just happy he stayed put so I could get his picture. I was also happy to get the other photo below. I don't have good luck getting bird photos because, well, they fly away, you know.

Posted by: "Guest Blogger" Riel


  1. I think your photos are just fine. We have these ducks around in SW Ontario in the winter. I have been away myself and wish Ann the best in her recovery...Our hospital has high speed internet for patients :-) (at a price of course)

  2. Great photos of the Goldeneye...
    we just saw them for the first time a week ago..

  3. I've never seen the Golden Eye. Thanks for sharing, keeping her blog going, and the best to your Mom.

  4. birds fly
    the shooter stays
    and swims

  5. Oh I LOVE your first photo!! Thanks for keeping up the posts:)

  6. great pitures Riel. You got to see them first this year!.

    Love Mom

  7. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Enjoyed your photos and the notes - I think you're right about their assessment of you - "Relax, she doesn't have any down under that coat, she'll never last!"

  8. I like the distant shot :-) and you are right....they always fly away when you want them to stay put. They just don't seem to understand the "photo freaks" that keep trying to get pictures. Your mom will be proud of how well you are keeping up her blog while she is away. Give her our love and best wishes.

  9. I have never had the pleasure of seeing these ducks...quite a sight.. I can see why you jumped out into that freezing weather to get their pics.


  10. Thanks for the comments! It was nice to see the ducks.

    Mom: I see you found a computer. Good that you can at least have a peek now and then to see I am not messing up your blog ;-)

  11. Anonymous10:18 PM

    I hate when the ducks run. :-) It's funny how sometimes you don't really read what you're reading. I looked at these shots looking for the Golden Retriever. :-D
    Then I went back and read it right.

  12. Anonymous1:34 AM

    I have never seen any so this is great for me....Michelle
