Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Little Boy, Big Rock

For Watery Wednesday ...

There may be snow all around, but I am remembering warmer weather fun. I guess today's "nature" on Nature Tales and Camera Trails is "human nature" ... in particular, the determination children have to take on a challenging task without question. This little boy I know is throwing a comparatively very large rock (of his own choosing) into New Brunswick's Bay of Fundy. This photo was taken at St. Martin's, NB.

Posted by: "Guest Blogger" Riel. Thanks to Watery Wednesday. The theme of Watery Wednesday is water, and for a wonderful variety of watery scenes from other bloggers around the world just click on its name!


Ruth's Photo Blog said...

I'm sure in his mind he was capable of throwing an even bigger rock.So cute.


That is one happy little boy! Nice shot full of joy!

Mary said...

Wonderful! Looks like he is having the time of his life. I always liked throwing stones into water, too :-)

Kathy W said...

What a sweet picture. I'm sure he didn't have a care in the world.

Caprice- said...

Looks like he's really enjoying himself. Isn't it great how kids can amuse themselves with so little? I was told a long time ago a picture needs to tell a story and this certainly does. Thanks for visiting my blog!

Carletta said...

This is adorable!
He has some arm to throw that big rock. :)

My post is at Carletta’s Captures.

Anonymous said...

He looks so cute in there...Nice motion photo. I love the waters too.

Guy D said...

Great shots, I added your wonderful blog to my followers list so I can be reminded to return often, I'm very impressed with your photograpy.

Have a great day!
Regina In Pictures

Tina said...

You are right,,,we should all have that determination to try harder..big rock or small!!

Leora said...

Sweet boy, wonderful blue water.

bobbie said...

Even from the back, you can see the effort it was for him to throw it. A charming picture.

Anonymous said...

Awwww, how cute! It's so great to capture children at play or exploring.

Becky said...

He really wanted to see a BIG splash ! How cute. Thanks for stopping by Gary's train blog. We too like to watch Thomas and Friends, and the scenery is so realistic on there. Gary has from time to time gotten ideas from the show.

Anonymous said...

The body language says it all - so cute and sturdy!

Anonymous said...

The simple pleasure of a sweet....Michelle

me ann my camera said...

Thanks so much everyone!