Sunday, March 08, 2009

Spring Ahead: Almost Tulip Time: Take 2

For Mellow Yellow Monday ...

I couldn't resist posting a few more photos from last year's Ottawa Tulip Festival. Thinking of how many gorgeous flowers were there just makes me feel cheery -- even with all our snow still outside!

Posted by: "Guest Blogger" Riel. Thanks to Mellow Yellow Monday. To see other yellow-themed posts from other bloggers around the world, just click on the link below.



  1. That is some of the brightest colors I have seen in awhile. I love tulips. Hope you have a great week. =)

  2. Anonymous9:37 PM

    It's like seeing thousands of individual suns penetrating our hearts.

  3. What gorgeous color these are. It seems so good to see flowers even if they are from a show, now that the weather is still hanging on to winter.

  4. Great pics, love the bright colors of those tulips!

  5. The Jonquils and Daffodils are blooming here. The fruit trees have budded. I am afraid the frost will get them.

  6. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Oooh, those are beautiful! Wonderful shots too. I'd love to tiptoe through those tulips.

  7. I took a photo like this at the Keukenhof Gardens in the Netherlands a couple of years ago. Gracious! You mean I didn't have to travel so far to see such gorgeous tulips?

  8. Gives me hope that spring is right around the corner!

    I played too :)

  9. How pretty and upbeat like you said. I too am stuck in snow. Sonn I hope we all will see some spring!!!
    Thanks for having me!

  10. I love your Tulips, they have great colour, hope you have a great week. (:-)

  11. These are just so beautiful! I love the color combination.

  12. So Beautiful!! Happy Mellow Yellow Monday:)

  13. Simply lovely...nothing nicer than a field of tulips and yours are rather unique looking! I'm going to a tulip festival up in Washington in early April. Hopefully, I'll get some good shot of lots of tulips. Enjoy the day and hope it's full of lots of yellow and not too cold!

  14. I can't wait for these colors to start popping up in my backyard...such a beautiful feast for the eyes..great photos!

  15. Tulips are such grand flowers. I can hardly wait for the spring to really set in and see our tulips at the cottage. At least two months till that yet. Sigh!

    Still, these cheered me up.

  16. I wish this was my yard :-) So beautiful!

  17. Those are some beautiful tulips

  18. Anonymous12:03 AM

    Such CHEERY yellow flowers!!!
    Hugs and blessings,

  19. What glorious tulips. They are simply gorgeous! I love tulips but they don;t like me. so I really enjoyed these fantastic shots!!:-)

  20. Fabulous photos Ann, that must have been quite a sight to see. I am so looking forward to seeing them around here. We had a flurry of snow this morning. Can't wait for Spring.

  21. Thank you so much everyone for the wonderful comments. It is so friendly and nice here in blogland!

  22. Anonymous9:04 PM

    These are awesome tulips, it really spirit lifting just to look at these photos! I love it.

  23. Anonymous9:58 PM

    I just love these tulips. It is very cheering to see them even though cloudy and cold here. Good choice!
