Thursday, April 30, 2009

Beginning growth for later blooms for Green Thursday

This green growth above is outstanding with its rich green colour of new growth filled with the promise of many beautiful Tiger Lily blooms later in the summer. However the lush green attractiveness caught the attention of a hungry deer and the results are shown in the photo below.This is the half-eaten greenery left behind. I had heard that deer would not eat Crocus and so I planted some a couple of years ago as it was disheartening to see my beautiful Tulips eaten each spring. So far we have had luck with Crocus and shown below is the first garden flower in bloom in our flower beds this spring. I expect to see many more over the next few days.
This lovely healthy greenery below holds the promise of a wonderful yield of beautiful large red Poppies later this season.From springtime onward my garden is a joy of greenery and beauty as it yields its hidden treasures of colour and design. It's full of magical wonder as the promise of its greenery unfolds its miracles within their healthy buds.

To view the visual greens that others have contributed to this new meme Green Thursday just click on the Green Thursday badge in the side bar. My thanks to Pagan Sphinx for hosting this meme that is so full of promise. You might even want to contribute something youself.


  1. Cropped right down to the nubs almost. I wonder if something like a tomato cage would help? Or would they just knock that over?

  2. Beautiful! I can't wait to see the red poppies which are a favorite of mine and I can't seem to grow any. I'm so sorry the deer got your plants. Thrilled to see this Green Thursday meme! Green is my favorite color and I'm always hoping for a green meme. Will have to check it out.

  3. I am lookin gforward to many pictures of your flowers.As I look at the growth in my garden I can hardly wait for the flowers to follow.

  4. Such pretty greenery Ann. It is so welcome right now. Too bad about the deer making a visit to your flowers.
    Have a wonderful Friday.

  5. My garden is greening up quickly and I found a wee pulmonaria bloom in the back the other day. I don't have deer, but something eats my crocus and hyacinth shoots.

  6. Do I feel your pain. I try everything under the sun to keep them from chewing those beautiful new greens to no avail. Fortunately, they do continue to grow and the deer eventually find something to eat.

    Guess we have to be extra patient and just wait for those colorful blooms!

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