Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Smith Falls

For Watery Wednesday ...

The following two photos show Smith Falls, not too far from Hampton, New Brunswick. The falls are absolutely stunning, but due to a lot of snow and ice on a steep incline I would have had to descend to reach the base, I could only go halfway down to take photos. The first picture shows some of the upper falls, and the second, the lower. I am anxious to go back again when all the snow in the woods is melted as I think the view of the whole falls together will be amazing.

Posted by: "Guest Blogger" Riel. This will be my final post as guest blogger, as I am thrilled my mother will be back to her photography and blogging again.

Thanks to Watery Wednesday. The theme of Watery Wednesday is water; for a wonderful variety of watery scenes from other bloggers around the world, just click on its name.


  1. Those pictures are beautiful. You have done a great job filling in for your Mother.I am pleased to hear that she is coming back,it must mean that she is doing well.

  2. Thanks Riel, for the amazing waterfall photos. You did a wonderful job as a guest blogger!

  3. Anonymous10:10 PM

    You'll get a more fabulous show once all the snow have melted. What a joy to live not to far here.

  4. Amazing waterfall!

    Mine is here.

  5. Does this mean we will not be able to see the entire falls? I hope you Guest Blog it as I love waterfalls.

  6. Your waterfalls have a very strong gush of water. Fierce and beautiful!

  7. We've enjoyed your guest blogging, Riel and hope you will pop in occasionally as a guest again to say hello! However, we are thrilled along with you to know your mom is back! These falls are beautiful! I think going even half way down might be a bit scary with that much water rushing over.

  8. You mean the falls get more amazing than this? I would love to see some waterfalls for myself. I'm a little jealous.

  9. Anonymous2:16 AM

    I love feeling the falls and hearing its power. They really perk up the senses and make one feel energized.

  10. fantastic shots, even if you were only half way..these are all the way great!

  11. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Beautiful shots!

  12. what a beautiful waterfalls. you can even take a shot on top of it.

  13. Riel, you are a very special daughter indeed. Thanks for keeping your mother's blog going as I am sure it means a lot to her.

  14. Thank you, Riel, for your beautiful photos. The falls are breathtaking! I do hope you post more photos in the future of them and other interesting sightings! Best wishes! Linda

  15. Waterfalls are always a thrill. Your pictures are so beautiful!

    You have done such a great job substituting for your mom. Nice to have known you, Riel.

  16. Beautiful, natural falls. Very dramatic. My WW is of falls, too. But from an old dam.

    Happy Wednesday to you!

  17. I'm guessing the falls are particularly full of water just now during the melt. They are fantastic. Im looking forward to seeing the complete setting in the future but for now I'm full of admiration for that first bit.

  18. What a wonderful shot of the tumbling water - doesn't the air always feel so good around active water like that. Thank you, Riel for all your very enjoyable posts, and for the good news that your mom is able to return to blogging - and many other things she loves!

  19. You have done a great job guest blogging. But I am so happy to read that your mom will be back to doing her own posts soon. Hooray!!!

    Hugs to both of you, G

  20. What a beautiful waterfall! Thanks Riel for you great photos. It's so great that Ann is ready to come back. I look forward to her return.

  21. Thanks SO much everyone! The blogging has been enjoyable, but it will be great to see Mom's stuff again. Riel

  22. Thanks so much for guest blogging for your mom.
    We all look forward to her return..and wish her health and happiness.
