Sunday, April 12, 2009

A Song Sparrow in the Snow

Song Sparrow
foraging in the snow
perhaps wondering like me
where did spring go?

It was quite a surprise this Easter Sunday morning to look out the window and see the snow-covered ground! This little Sparrow was unmistakeably a Song Sparrow, with its shuffle shuffle, scratch scratch rhythm of searching for food on the snow-covered ground. Also, its body markings with the center dark cluster identify it as such with its rounded-striped breast.


  1. Cute little bird. I bet it was cold. Helen

  2. Poor little thing. And you, poor thing! Sorry you had snow for Easter. Hope your holiday is wonderful.

  3. Oh,that doesn't look at all like spring weather.Cute little bird,but he looks cold.Hope you are doing well inspite of the weather.

  4. yes HELEN and Bobbie and Ruth it is cold , the temoerature hasd been hovering around 0 degrees Celcius today I am enjoying the holiday being home again on another weekend passand will be home to stay by the end of the month. Thank you all for your comments.

  5. Glad to hear you are enjoying another pass. I truly hope spring is here to stay when you are discharged home for good!

  6. Cute little bird...nice of him to stop by & say hello:)

  7. Sharon, Its nice of you to stop by also

  8. Ruth, I should be discharged at the end of the month so the weather should be nice by then I also hope I will regain some of my previous typing skills by then. My left hand s a challenge for me. my indeppendentwalking skills andbalance are fine now. I have a great appreciation for physiotherapists and the work they do having recieved some excellent therapy here in New Brunswick

  9. Poor birdie--looks cold. I won't complain about our 40s today.

  10. So glad that you are improving so much, Ann! A very cute sparrow to greet you, even in the snow. I hope by the time you are finally home for good that the snow will be gone. You have really been through a long time of illness. We are glad to have you back!

  11. Ann, so glad to hear you are walking well. Hand return is always the slowest to come, but keep persevering! You should expect gradual improvement for many more months.
