Saturday, April 18, 2009

A Walk in the Woods

Today was a beautiful sunny day for a walk in the woods ... and there was much less snow than I expected. This photo was taken near Smith Falls, New Brunswick.
Posted by: "Guest Blogger" Riel


  1. I can't believe that you are still finding snow! Doesn't spring ever come up north???? Beautiful photo...the light is so pretty.

  2. This is an exceptionally beautiful picture. It's the jumping off point for all kinds of possible stories.

  3. Really beautiful photo - looks "out of time"...

  4. Thanks so much, it was truly lovely there. It is actually the site of an incredible waterfall, but there is still too much snow to get safely down to the bottom. Perhaps another few weeks. Riel

  5. Great shot! The sepia tones really look nice in this.
