Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Red Blossoms on my Maple Tree for Ruby Tuesday

Soon our driveway will be carpeted with red as the wind and rain of the next few days (which is forecasted) will spread these red blossoms from our two very old Maples which stand as sentinels beside our driveway.

To check out other postings on Ruby Tuesday just click on the Ruby logo on the side bar. My appreciative thanks to Mary/the teach for hosting this meme.


  1. Those are very pretty. Helen

  2. They present such beauty this time of year, just wish they weren't so dirty! Lovely!

  3. Maples put on such a lovely show in both spring and fall. These look beautiful!

  4. Happy Cinco de Mayo.

    Your maples are wonderful.

  5. They look like pom poms in the second shot. We get someting here too, not even sure what kind of tree it's from, but it looks like graham cracker crust crumbs all over the place.

  6. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Ann...I have a meme called Nature Notes that you would be perfect for. It's small, but it has been very enjoyable....Michelle

  7. I love red maples and your photos capture the beauty of the blossoms. Ours bloomed a month ago!

  8. These are beautiful baby leaves!

  9. I missed the red maple blooms this year somehow. They are usually out around the beginning of April here. I count them as one of the earliest spring flowers.

  10. I totally agree with all of you guys!
    Its time to relax for a while and worry about nothing!

  11. Love those red carpets that form on the ground during the spring rains and wind...some see them as a mess but not me!! Nice pics!! It is sooo nice to see Mother Nature's colorful hues popping up and exploding right before our eyes!!
