Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Ruby-throated Hummingbird for Ruby Tuesday

The ruby is in its name but not in its colouring in this picture above, for this hummingbird at the red feeder is a female. It is the male of this species that displays a beautiful ruby throat. The first sighting of a Hummingbird in Bird Alley this spring was on May 9th, that seems a bit late to me! But our area has experienced lots of rain and cooler temperatures this spring season.

To check out other postings on Ruby Tuesday just click on the Ruby logo on the side bar. My appreciative thanks to Mary/the teach for hosting this meme.Above from my photo archives a male Rubythroated hummingbird, photo taken in May 2008


  1. I just LOVE these little fellows!

  2. Fantastic!I am still waiting for ours to return.

  3. Hummers are so fantastic! Have you checked out this one yet?
    One egg hatched, one more to go.

  4. Lovely! I had a brief visit by one and then it disappeared. Those are great shots.

  5. Wonderful photo of the little guy. I would love to capture a picture of a hummingbird!

    Happy Belated Ruby Tuesday!
