Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Flowering Crabapple for Ruby Tuesday

Above, a Savannah Sparrow perched in the Flowering Crabapple tree.

We have three of these beautiful trees in our yard. We plant trees for beauty and as a source of food for birds, Our Russian Mountain Ash with its beautiful red berries in the fall is a diner's paradise for the birds and the flowering crab i s a feast for one's eyes. Our Lilacs are in bloom right now and usually they host a multitude of Swallowtail butterflies, not yet though this year.
To check out other postings on Ruby Tuesday just click on the Ruby logo on the side bar. My appreciative thanks to Mary/the teach for hosting this meme.


  1. Love the capture of the Savannah Sparrow! Absolutely beautiful!

  2. The sparrow on the crabapple is a fabulous photo! "Crab" is such a funny name for such beauty.

  3. What a beautiful photo that sparrow makes with the crabapple blooms! I'm amazed at how much behind our flowering season yours is. I tend to forget how much further north you are!

  4. Mery. I couldn't believe it a longwhile ago when you had posted pictures of LILACS in bloom!
    There is definitely a noticeable seasonal difference between here and there!

  5. The first picture is ready fo a calendar,it is so beautiful.

  6. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Beautiful set of photos. I love that first one.

  7. I love that first picture!!

  8. Nice shots! I like the rendition of the 2nd one. :-)
