Thursday, June 18, 2009

A Meadow Walk for Green Thursday

above:A beautiful meadow carpet inviting a Meadow Walk
Walking in the meadow on a soft underfoot carpet of old grasses from previous seasons. colours flutter by landing on targeted destinations before my eyes, yellow on yellow,Swallowtails everywhere, activity abounds drawing me to my favourite summer walking place.
above a Common Ringlet

Thanks to Rambling Woods for helping out Pagan Spinx by hosting this meme on her blog.To to contribute orto see other like- minded "green posts" just click on the Green Thursday badge on the top of the right column on this page.


  1. Your pictures are lovely as always. I have seen surprisingly few butterflies so far this year.

  2. Such beauty that you find in the meadow.Thanks for sharing it.

  3. I loved this walk - so many of nature's little treasures to see!

  4. Lovely. Thanks for taking us with you.

  5. Hello Ann...I love seeing your nature photos and this is perfect for Think Green Thursday..I am late getting around due to my Mother's illness, but thank you for participating...
