Wednesday, August 19, 2009

cool water for Watery Wednesday

My quest this morning was two fold. 1]To find as watery source to photograph for Watery Wednesday and 2]to find a cool refreshing spot. The first location was easy. I asked my husband to drive me to Peterson's Rocks. ( Since a stroke in February.. I still have not received permission to drive yet so my picture taking adventures have been definitely limited this summer.The photos above were taken at Peterson's Rocks. This is an inviting small local park where the river bed is solid rock, mostly flat. This is an inviting location for wading and swimming for little kids with adult supervision required as there are a few deep places. Deciding to drive to a nearby pond to look for ducks led us past a potato field which was being watered with a magnificent spray of water. The motion of the water flow appeared very rhythmic in its movement over the field as if it were a dance performance taking place.

In some parts of the field it looked like a curtain of water. Further suggesting a performance tsking place before our eyes.
leaping striding, stretching reaching plumes of water jetting to and fro. Curtains of mist close over the stage , an audience of appreciative potato plants having their thirst quenched from the leaping tossing moisture hurtling throughout the field

The white blossoms of the potato plants added much to the beauty of the drama unfolding before our eyes.Happy Watery Wednesday to all. Keep cool!We seem to be in the midst of a heat wave this week.

The theme of Watery Wednesday is water; for a wonderful variety of watery scenes from other bloggers around the world, just click on its name.


  1. Those are some neat shots of water..something we are seeing a lot of this summer..not our usual summer..I guess that is good but it makes me worry about what is coming this winter.
    Love you side bar pics esp that butterfly.
    Hope you are having a nice week!!!

  2. The top photos show me comfortable spots indeed. I wouldn't mind sitting there. I didn't know potato plants had such pretty blossoms.

    I'm sorry to hear about your illness; may you feel well and continue to enjoy and bring joy, too.

  3. Oh,I do like those pictures of water over the potato field.

  4. I really like those photos of the water shooting up and the patterns it makes. Very different and lovely. It does look nice and cool! Hope you can drive again, soon. Must be frustrating.
