Thursday, August 27, 2009

Green for Green Thursday

The beautiful green of the Milweed leaves above provide a perfect setting for what I think is a newly hatched monarch butterfly. Its colours made it appear very bright and fresh and new appearing.The milkweed plant is a host to the eggs of a monarch butterfly.
WhatI like about this picture above is its beautiful 'greenness". At the location of this small pond we often find one or two Great Blue Heron. They are too fast for my camera to capture their image.
Thanks to Rambling Woods for helping out Pagan Spinx by hosting this meme on her blog.To contribute or to see other like- minded "green posts" just click on the Green Thursday badge on the top of the right column on this page


  1. Lovely green and a bright touch of orange! What could be prettier? The pond is very charming too.

  2. The monarch makes a lovely spot of color in all the green. Green is such a peaceful color and such a cool color. So fitting that it seems to represent both coolness and peace in nature.

  3. You're right, that monarch certainly does look bright and new! Wonderful greenery, too!

  4. Ann, I posted the green of the High Line in Manhattan. Thanks for sharing your "greenness" and the very colorful butterfly. :)

  5. Beautiful green!
    Love all your photos!
    Thank you!

  6. That pond looks like a perfect birding place.

  7. We have lots of Milkweed here, but it is already old and not pretty green like yours. Not many Butterflies this year either.

  8. Oh, and forget to mention that I just returned from a visit in your neck of woods in Nova Scotia. My TGT post photos were taken there.

  9. I love the monarchs Ann. I hope to get a milkweed patch going next summer as I would love to be able to help them... Fall is on its way.. too soon... --Michelle--
