Monday, August 31, 2009

School bus Reflecttions for Mellow Yellow Monday

Its beeen ten years now since I have been retired from teaching and the sight of yellow school buses rolling down the roads at the end of summer no longer stir me. They're just another sign that summer is 0ver. I always think of the youngest passengers on the buses and how excited they will be embarking upon their long adventure of education. May it be a journey filled with learning, excitement and may it be a fulfilling experience preparing them for the many roads they will travel down in their lifetime. Best wishes for all students and teachers for the coming school year. I do miss it a bit.

To view a wonderful variety of yellow-themed photos from other bloggers around the world, just click on the link below. MellowYellowBadge


  1. Lots of yellow buses! Their reflections are really cool.

  2. What a great picture and great words to go with it. Especially touching because today is my granddaughters first day of kindergarten.
    Also I love your header. What a "catchy" title and the photo is amazing!

  3. Jeri, May your grandaughter have a positive school experience. Tomorrow is my grandson's first day at Pre-school.How exciting it will be for them,now that they are big girls and boys.

  4. What a cute school buses. Here in Philippines you can't see as beautiful as this one. Uniform and nice.
    Here's My MYM entry.

  5. This is an awesome shot, I think my fave one so far this week. Love the reflection!

  6. What a delightful shot, and it seems to me there's a bit of humor in that reflection. Love it!

  7. Great photo. Love the school buses for sure but the reflection makes it so much more interesting.

  8. Wonderful Mellow Yellow photograph (timely topic too). Luv the way you've captured the reflections in the hood of the blue car. This is my 9th year of retirement and I experience similar thoughts and feelings, but overall I'm glad to be meeting my retired friends for breakfast on the first day of school rather than meeting new students ;--)
    Hugs and blessings,

  9. What a great picture and post!


  10. You captured a wonderful image. I hope your day is filled with sunshine.

  11. I love the way you composed this!!
    I was in Staples this afternoon and it was a free for all of supply buying and crying kids

  12. Well, congrats on your ten years!! I am entering my 4th year of retirement after 35 yrs of teaching and I, too, have to say watching the buses go by in the morning does stir some memories of how much I enjoyed teaching...but then I remind myself that I also like being retired and that there are still student perks to be I head off to meet a few of my past students for breakfast or a walk with our cameras at our local park.

  13. What a great picture.I just spent part of today getting my bus ready to roll.More on that on my blog soon.

  14. Dozens of buses,
    dozing on their weekend off,
    resting for Monday…

    My Mellow Yellow

  15. Wow, those school buses seem so bright! I feel like the ones here are dark!

  16. School started here a couple of weeks ago. Your "reflections"....both photo and writing are perfect. Good luck to all the kids and to the teachers and bus drivers for a great year.
