Monday, August 24, 2009

Summer's End for Ruby Tuesday

My youngest grandson is sitting here by the water's edge wearing his red and yellow lifejacket looking very thoughtful with a rosy tinted sky beyond.He is a great outdoors boy enjoying all of nature's wonderful and fascinating features. Perhaps his thoughts are similar to these below as his family's summer vacation time draws to a close.Thanks go to my son Davis for the great photo he willingly shared.

Where has summer gone
will it be back again soon?
or do I have to wait until next June ?
It was so much fun playing in the summer sun,
Visiting with my New Brunswick family and also my Ontario one.
I can't believe its almost done

To check out other postings on Ruby Tuesday just click on the Ruby logo on the side bar. My appreciative thanks to Mary/the teach for hosting this meme.


  1. Great shot. That rosy sky is beautiful. Helen

  2. He does look like he is really enjoying the whole scene, taking it all in.

  3. What a fabulous photo Ann, one for a frame for sure. I also loved your end of summer poem, fits so perfectly.

  4. beautiful scene
    beautiful photo
    the colors are lovely

  5. Lovely scene.Yes,where has summer gone?

  6. ah....what a sweet photo and the poem is wonderful. I bet you frame that one to keep :-)

  7. Where has summer gone indeed? Amazing orange skies ;--)
    Hugs and blessings,
