Thursday, August 13, 2009

Viewing my Green Garden in Black andWhite for Green Thursday

Nature presents us with its artistic beauty in many ways. Sometimes people assume colour is the key to this artistry. Today I am looking at shape, contrast, lightness and darkness to view this beauty. Repetition is also an element to be consideredas is balanceof both positive and negative space space against, foreground and background.

My garden gives me much enjoyment as I wander around it looking for birds and butterflies which are also reaping the benefits offered by our inviting green environment.

Thanks to Rambling Woods for helping out Pagan Spinx by hosting this meme on her blog.To to contribute orto see other like- minded "green posts" just click on the Green Thursday badge on the top of the right column on this page


  1. Even in black and white, your garden is definitely lovely.

  2. I agree, your garden must be a sight to behold. Love those flowers in black and white.

  3. You have a beautiful garden Ann and how clever to to use black and white to show a different take on it. Happy Think Green Thursday to you.. Michelle

  4. WOW!Your garden in black and white is as pretty as in color.Too often we assume that all pictures look best in color.You just proved that wrong.

  5. This is the way a lot of other critters see things, isn't it, like - dogs and cats etc.?

  6. B&W always gives such a different look, but still a beautiful one. I get so used to seeing in color, I have trouble adjusting. In quilting, it is a good way to judge the "value" of the fabrics you want to use, by viewing them in B&W. What seemed like a good selection of lights and darks suddenly seem to be all mediums.
