Monday, September 21, 2009

Yellow -bellied Sapsucker for Mellow Yellow Monday

The yellow in its name might partially qualify this bird for today's meme, but if not then the yellowish background will have to suffice. We often see a Sapsucker in our yard at this time of year. This bird pictured above is a female ;the slight red at its throat gives me cause to call it so.

Happy Monday to all To view a wonderful variety of yellow-themed photos from other bloggers around the world, just click on the link below. MellowYellowBadge


  1. Lovely sapsucker! The background is perfect for it.

  2. A beautiful combination of yellows. And the bird looks pretty mellow, too!

  3. What a perfect subject for Mellow Yellow!

  4. I love this shot! Birds are too hard for me with my dinky camera, but an upgrade is in the works!
