Friday, October 23, 2009

Geese in the sky for skywatch Friday

The formation these Canada Geese is lacking in its usualbeautiful organized ;V' formation.something must have surprised them for as we drove down the highway, they rose in mass creating a tumbling sort of formation in the sky Happy skywatch Friday to all. My appreciative thanks to Sandy, Klaus, Ivar, Wren and Fishing Guyand Louise for hosting Sky Watch Friday


  1. They will probably form a pretty formation as they get further away.
    Beautiful Picture. Helen

  2. this is such a great picture!

  3. I guess some are slower to get organized than others :-) Still a great shot. I just love seeing them stretched out all over the sky.

  4. This shot is so famiiar this time of year. Must be flight training. We have 100's of geese everyday in the fields across the road from us.

  5. Very nice capture, Ann.

  6. They're all up there going, "You lead" "No way, I led yesterday" "Not me I led this either" "Well I'm not doing it!"
