Thursday, October 29, 2009

White-tailed Deer

Its deer hunting season in New Brunswick. I saw this young male yesterday standing alone at the edge of a clearing.I was able to drive very close to it and shoot it with my camera before it turned around and with its signature WHITE TAIL UP IT FLED AND DISAPPEARED INTO THE WOODS. DON'T Be TOO FRIENDLY AND CURIOUS DEAR DEER!


  1. You know I think deer are beautiful creatures but oh do they cause a lot of trouble when they get on on the highways. Great shot. =)

  2. Lovely photos. I hope this young fellow is spared this season.

  3. Great still and motion shots. Be carefulm a hunter might get trigger happy at a sound you might make while walking. Helen

  4. Helen, I was sitting in my car for this photo
    i most always wear red when I am out and about this time of year.

  5. You go deer! Happy Camera hunting!

  6. Oh, I'm glad you only shot him with the camera.I think this is by far the best way to hunt.Having said that,Jake used to hunt with a rifle as did my Dad.

  7. I love that first shot and am laughing at the second one. I get the tail end of birds all the time, but you really got "mooned" by that deer :-) I hate the thought of them being killed, but also know they overpopulate areas around here and if not hunted, would starve anyway.

  8. It's youth season here right now and will soon be regular deer season. It's a bummer for me, because it limits my walks.

  9. Great capture of the pretty buck. I alway enjoy seeing deer.
