Tuesday, November 17, 2009

'Do not signs' to observe for Ruby Tuesday

Although the messages shown on the signs above appears to be quite obvious, many visitors to the park where they were located behaved otherwise. One family stood right beside the duck sign while feeding the ducks found there. I found both of these signs to be rather attractive and understandable and translateable .
To check out other postings on Ruby Tuesday just click on the Ruby logo on the side bar. My appreciative thanks to Mary/the teach for hosting this meme.


  1. Not that "No Fishing" sign!

  2. Sounds like people need a good bonk on the head instead of attractive, pretty red signs.

  3. Well its understandable why they dont want fishing in a park. You can hook the ducks by mistake and turtles. People are kinda silly thinking they can do what ever they want. =) Hope you have a great week.

  4. My friend and I got soundly criticized by some birders for feeding the Redwing blackbirds at Point Pelee Park...but we were just eating our lunch, and the whole grain bread from our sandwiches kept crumbling, and of course the birds don't miss a thing, and flocked to our feet!

  5. I agree that they are attractive signs and i see the "don't feed the ducks" ignored here, too. People just can't resist feeding birds and small rodents. I have been known to let a bit of bread fall on the ground at an outdoor restaurant.
