Monday, November 23, 2009

Female Goldfinch and a dandelion Blossom for Mellow Yellow Monday

The only birds around Bird Alley so far this morning are female Goldfinch and luckily for me they are just right for the mellow yellow category. I had thought of going out in search for a ***yellow Hawkweed blossom which I had seen the other day but there was a heavy frost overnight and the ground foliage is all covered with white. Perhaps I will put "look for yellow blossoms on my 'to do' list for the day.
e:note*** After the frost cleared I found a late dandelion in bloom to photograph. How lovely it was to find such a spring thing in late November!
I like this Goldfinch capture above as the bird to the left forefront is almost escaping from the picture frame. I love the surprises that sometimes appear in photos taken of birds, their movement in a frame is often unpredictable as to what results.

Happy Monday to all. To view a wonderful variety of yellow-themed photos from other bloggers around the world, just click on the link below
mellow yellow


  1. How perfect. I love this picture!

  2. Love the pictures.A Dandelion in November is indeed special.

  3. I'm surprised to see the dandelion this late, but I guess that is why they are such survivors...very hardy. The late warm weather perked up several plants that should be sleeping already. Love the Goldfinches...another hardy survivor :-) They seem so persisitent and intent on their eating when they are at the feeders. I love the odd movements that get captured when they suddenly fly, too :-) Some good yellow choices considering what little is out there now!

  4. I do love goldfinches. We had quite a few of them in Illinois but none here in Hawaii. We sure do have dandelions though.
