Thursday, November 19, 2009

natural sepia colours of late fall for sepia scenes

It is my opinion that some of the most beautiful photos portraying sepia hues are those taken in late fall when the green has disappeared from the grassy and reedy vegetation surrounding lakes and ponds and rivers. The setting shown here at Centennial Park at Point Claire, Quebec illustrates my point with the beautiful tall grasses and reeds. These photos were taken on a beautiful sunny day when our family went for an outdoor picnic in the park this November.

Sepia Scenes is a meme hosted by Mary/the Teach and it offers the opportunity to share with others; beautiful scenes in sepia tones.Just click on the badge on the side bar to view what others have posted in sepia for today.


  1. Interesting! I never think of these as sepia, but now I see what you mean. I love that one of the grasses in front of the water. Very pretty.

  2. Nature knows what she is doing. These photos are very beautiful.

  3. I'm partial to those grasses also. What a lovely outing you had, Ann. Fall is such a beautiful time of year.

  4. The sepia is beautiful, along with hints of another favorite autumn color - alizarin crimson. Love that marsh!

  5. I agree! Natures own is the best. Nice photos Ann!

  6. Good idea to use photos of dry grasses for this meme, they lend themselves well to the sepia tone.

    Great shot of the duck. ;-)

  7. Great pictures.Thanks for the idea of calling the fall grasses Sepia.It sounds so much better than brown.
