Saturday, December 12, 2009

Chickadee outside my window for Camera Critters

A little Black-capped Chickadee is always a welcome sight outside my winfow. Its soft pastel breast colouring adds a gentle tone to the view of cold snow and harsh black of the ever popular peanut feeder.

My appreciative thanks to Misty for hosting this site. To see other participant's photo contributions just click HERE or on the Camera Critters logo on the side panel


  1. Chickadees are always a favorite. One of the cutest of the birds. I wish mine would hold still long enough for a couple of photos :-) I need to get some peanuts like this.

  2. Cute photo, the chickadees are one of my favorite yardbirds too.

  3. Great photo. They are sure fun to watch and have a very unique way of communicating.

  4. A thoroughly delightful picture.

  5. Somehow the Chickadee always brings a cheerful note to the feeders.

  6. Precious capture ;-)
    Love the squirrel in the previous post too ;-)
    Hugs and blessings,
    Small Reflections

  7. I miss those dear little faces and voices; don't know why they shun this area! Wanted to let you know I'm taking a break from blogging, and won't be posting there for an unspecified time, but will still be following you here, and come to visit when I can!
