Thursday, December 03, 2009

A Sepia kind of day for sepia scenes

It was a seepia kind of day, you know like rainy, seeping wet! Colourless, damp and misty, like foggy in the distance. It was much better than a white kinda day which we must accept will be Falling on us someday soon. brrr.... Rather a nice sort of' stay at home day 'to launch a new blog'. Some of you might remember my daughter, Riel, who was my guest blogger while I was ill earlier this year. Riel's NEW blog can be foundHERE.
Sepia Scenes is a meme hosted by Mary/the Teach and it offers the opportunity to share with others; beautiful scenes in sepia tones.Just click on the badge on the side bar to view what others have posted in sepia for today.


  1. I looks like that kind of day here with a little snow forecast Friday night and Saturday. We shall what it brings though. I went over and visited you daughter's blog for a bit. Helen

  2. Thank you Helen for your comments, Thry are always much appreciated.

  3. Sounds like the perfect sort of laid back day.The pictures is stunning.Hope each day finds you enjoying every minute.

  4. We had the very same day here Ann. Just the kind of day to snuggle up in your favorite chair, do some blogging, and smell the delicious aroma of home made soup.

  5. Very lovely, moody sort of photo. There's such a solitary feel to this scene.

  6. Thanks for the promo Mom ;-) !

  7. This is lovely and of course we remember Riel, who filled in so well for you when you were in hospital. Will check out her blog. I really like the distant bridge and the leaning tree here. Sepia is perfect for it.
