Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Its a Goldfinch Day for Outdoor Wednesday

We have had very few birds show up in Bird Alley, our feeder area, this winter. This morning we had lots of American Goldfinch, a couple of Chickadees and one Mourning Dove . With so many birds today it seems like a celebration. The cheering is in the background as I am watching the Olympics on tv and I see a small flock of birds land in our trees... cheer !!!! I am so fascinated and keen on watching both, the birds and the athletes! as they perform such amazing feats of skill and endurance during this winter period.

I have found the meme ,Outdoor Wednesday, which offers a wide choice of topics as long as its outdoors!. I love the wide open topic choice that it offers, just as the outdoors does. To see more about this meme or to contribute your own pictures please click on the outdoors Wednesday icon on this page.


  1. Great pictures. We have had blackbirds showing up here for the first time two days ago. Spring cannot be far behind.

  2. I""M waiting for the first Grackle , Bill, but I would welcome a Red-winged Blackbird for sure! Ann

  3. Goldfinches are pretty,whether in their drab winter colors or the bright summer colors.

  4. I agree, it is so much fun looking at the birds. I could watch them for hours. Lovely photos!

  5. With our plentiful snowfall this year (over 50 inches), we have had to feed birds daily. We have a large flock. I love the goldfinches and am enjoying the Olympics too.

  6. Sounds like a good meme! I love that feeder in your first photo. I didn't have as many goldfinches as usual this year. I used to have lots but this year only saw about 5-6 at any one time. Most days only 1-2.
