Monday, February 01, 2010

A Northern Shrike mosaic for Mosaic Monday

It wasn't quite what we were looking for and it was only the second Northern Shrike sighting for me this winter. But the other pics in the mosaic tell the story of having seen Northern shrikes other years. Yesterday's sighting is the bird in the blog header and the circular pic in the mosaic above. At first appearances it looks like a sweet, cute, fluffy , cuddly looking little winter bird. But looks can be deceiving. The Northern Shrike is a predator and preys on little birds. It is called the "Butcher Bird, and for good reason. too! Just do a google search for:Northern Shrike. Mosiac Monday is hosted by Mary(thank you Mary) at dear Little red house which you can find by clicking on the icon on the top of the column on the right. This is a fun meme blog to have found and today is my first mosaic contribution. Please Enjoy! Until next Monday!


  1. I've never seen one of these! They sure don't look like killers.

  2. As I had said Mary, looks can be deceiving. Read here:
    I am having problems with my links today.

  3. Hi!
    They look so cute, but you were right, they aren't what they appear. Have a great day!

    A View of My Life

  4. Nice collage, and interesting info.

  5. Love the collage.Hopefully I get to see this bird this year as well.

  6. It's a beautiful mosaic. I don't believe I have ever seen one either.

  7. Those are gorgeous shots!

  8. The look cute... but.. they do have a very sharp curved beak... the telltale sign. :-)

  9. Wow, that is so cool! thanks for sharing your terrific images at MM. :)
