Saturday, February 06, 2010

Snowy Trail Shadows for ShadowShot Sunday

The subject of White -tailed Deer is a repeat of yesterday'spost, the main main focusbeing; Deer. Yes, as the winter depens, they become increasingly common to see. The woodsy setting in this photo also featured some lovely shadows to enjoy on this bright sunny daythat this picture was taken on.My appreciative thanks to Tracey, at Hey Harriet, the host of Shadow Shot Sunday for this interesting idea; for more information on this shadow meme,please click on the icon in the side bar


  1. The trees leave a zebra like pattern along the forest floor. The deer add a larger shadow at that point. The look of nature in the woods, with lots of sun, is so impressive!

  2. Fantastic! Ralph is right, the trees do leave a zebra like pattern! I love the shadows etched against the snow and the deer are beautiful! So alert! Hope you're having a great weekend!


  3. You are right Ann. We see so many more deer now, and I think partly because hunting season is over too. During the daylight hours you can see deer tracks everywhere.

  4. That is a lovely shot.The deer are right in their element,surrounded by trees.

  5. I like the shadows...a rippling wavy motion. And of course the deer make it even better :-)

  6. A stunning image Ann, and I love those deer, love everything about this photo. Happy Sunday to you.

  7. That is such a nice photo! It's funny how most people would notice only the deer and not the shadows...but, with a camera our vision is so much more...beautiful.

  8. What a lovely sighting, Ann! And a beautiful place to walk.

  9. Yes, I've seen quite a few out in the open corn fields here in Iowa too...and yesterday a magnificent
    Bald Eagle flew over my home, as did many flights of Canada geese coming home to nest...a sign of spring to me!

  10. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Oh, wow! Very nice shot. I love the deers and the shadows streaking across the snow.


  11. Great shadow shot. I love how the deer are looking at the camera! :)

  12. lovely photos of deer in this and your previous post.

  13. Hah - that's a great shot. Looks like they are looking at you saying "and what's she up to then?" !

  14. Anonymous10:41 PM

    I really like the photo. The deers are so enchanting. I have always wished to see a deer in person and also close to them.
    baby crib
