Friday, February 05, 2010

Wood pile reflections for weekend reflections

It wasn't until I was sitting with my morning cup of coffee that I saw the reflections of my neighbour's woodpile in the glass pane of our french windows door that leads into our sun room. I knew it was a reflection as the woodpile cannot be seen from the direction I was sitting in. The subject of the reflection is a fairly important winter matter. The weather forecast today announced a temperature of -9 degrees C with a wind chill equivalent value of a -29 degrees C... brr, If I had a wood furnace in our basement I wouldn't want to run out of fuel ( such as my neighbou's woodpile.) We have an oil furnace but I grew up with wood heat, and there is nothing like it on those freezing cold winter days. So the reflection in my window today warmed me and brought back memories of warming myself in front of the old potbellied wood stoves on those long ago winter mornings.
To connect to weekend reflections please click on the icon at the top of the right hand page, Happy weekend to all.


  1. A charming and very appropriate photo. Blizzard coming!

  2. Great capture, the wood pile looks like it would be close.

  3. Oh, the wood pile - I love it. We heat most of our house with wood and burn about 5 cords each year. I try to have 10 cords each fall ready for the winter. Gives me a backup supply.

  4. The memories of a wood pile are dear to my heart.It wasn't that many years ago,when we supplemented our heat with a wood stove.The warmth of that can not be fully explained,it is warmer than other heat.Great picture.
