Monday, February 22, 2010

yellow-tipped tail feathers for Mellow Yellow Monday

We had two very welcome, surprising feathered visitors in Bird Alley yesterday. We have had this species visit before, but not this winter. This winter season interesting bird visitors have been quite scarce! Two Cedar Waxwings appeared on the bare branches of our flowering crab apple tree, then flew to our high bush cranberries. How beautiful they looked with their yellow tipped tail feathers!. I shall stake a drive around our area today in hopes of finding a small flock of them.
Happy Monday to all. To view a wonderful variety of yellow-themed photos from other bloggers around the world, just click on the link below
mellow yellow


  1. Wow! they're so handsome.

    My yellow post is up too.

  2. I love lovely! I would find them welcome, too. It might mean spring was a bit closer.

  3. I haven't seen any cedar waxwings yet. They are so lovely.

  4. I'm still waiting for Waxwings Ann. They seen sort of rare around here. I love seeing them.

  5. I just love watching birds.. it's a way of relaxation.. btw, i only learned about this Waxwings in your post..thanks for sharing.
    mine is here.

  6. Great photo of those two together!

  7. This is not a bird we see very often...nice find. Thanks.

  8. Beautiful birds.I think they looks silky.Hope you find more of them.

  9. They are such beautiful birds.

  10. snb2905:25 PM

    I just saw one today, in North East Texas. I'm not a birder, but I didn't know ANY bird had that far of a range at the same time of year. And, this is the very first time I had ever seen this bird!
