Monday, March 29, 2010

A Dandelion in bloom for Mellow Yellow Monday!

What a lion of a plant this is! We have had snow, freezing rain and below zero temperatures during the past week and yet this hardy little wildflower blossoms with a cheery, yellow, showy blossom at the same place where I always find it each spring. hugging the cement foundatiobnwall of our local grocery store. I think its early this year, for it was after I returned home from the hospital on April 21st.last year when I recall walking up to the store to check for its blossoming there.
Coltdfoot is usually the first wildflower I find in bloom each spring, but I haven't seen any yet. I have heard reports of some in bloom though and my daughter has seen a patch in bloom. I have a favourite spot where I check each year and I often find it in my yard each year too, but it has been so cold lately! Its 0 degrees C here this morning and a heavy rain fall warning has been issued for the day. brrrrrrThat might make forgood conditons for a fewfield ponds and ducks!

Happy Monday to all. To view a wonderful variety of yellow-themed photos from other bloggers around the world, just click on the link below
mellow yellow


  1. Ah yes, soon be time to be pulling those dandelions. I remember my father making dandelion wine. We must have had an abundance of them!!!

  2. They're a fighter I can say.

    Please come and have a taste of my Yummy Yellow entry.

  3. This is my favorite flower of all. It is such a gift when we need the bright color and carefree strength to bring us out of winter. And we do not have to do anything but sit back and let them grow and bloom. Love it!

  4. Don't care what anyone says - I like dandelions. You can keep your neatly manicured lawns.

  5. This is the most resilient of plants.

  6. Good old dandelion!
    My Mum used to make a cure for jaundice, and it contained the milk from dandelions- tasted yuck, but worked!

  7. Dandelions are hardy and persistent.If only they were not so prolific we would all enjoy them more.I do like the first few blooms every spring.

  8. Dandelions are definitley hardy! Nothing seem to discourage them. I was amazed at the roadsides full of them already, today when we were driving home from Nashville. After 10 days in dry Arizona, it was great to see so much green and even dandelions!
