Sunday, March 07, 2010

Feeling Blissful in Blissville

above a handsome male Hooded Merganser
above a pair of Hooded Mergansers at Blissville

I found them this morning in Blissville. What a handsome pair they were!: Hooded Mergansers. "YES, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus"! "I believe" "Spring is definitely on the way!" My first duck sighting of spring is always a very special event for me! It is reassurance that winter is on its way out and that the birds are returning. Change is about in the land! The cycle is continuing. At this time last year I was spending most of my days sitting in a wheelchair looking out of a hospital window while recovering from a stroke. In a way I missed spring last year and most of its magical happenings. That is why today's sighting was so "blissful" when I saw these very beautiful ducks this morning in Blissville. It was reassurance of a belief that "Life is good". The cycles of nature and the returning ducks fulfill a promise of renewal and continuation. This is just a beginning. There is so much ahead of us to celebrate in the coming season. Enjoy Nature. It is intoxicating in its beauty and surprises!


  1. I am so happy that you can truly enjoy the beautiful season this year.

  2. We do have some open water on the creek now, and I'm hoping the "Hoodies" will be coming in soon.

  3. Lovely. We have hooded mergansers here but they are not as common as the, well, er, common merganser. The sight of the puffy black hoods is a welcome one.

    I'm glad spring is returning all in a rush as it usually does. Although the seasons - and the years - seem to be turning faster than they used to.

  4. You couldn't find a more beautiful way to herald spring.I can almost hear the smile in your writing,life is good.

  5. I'm glad that you got such interesting ducks for your first sighting of the year. They really are a beautiful pair. I'm even glader that you have recovered from your stroke and have a much brighter spring to look forward to this year! Life is good and God has blessed you with its abundance.
