Thursday, March 18, 2010

Glodeneye for Thursday's Challenge

When I read of this week's photo challenge on Thursday's challenge and found that it was circle, round or a sphere I hadn't decided what to post. Maybe the round opening in a bird house showing some swallows peeking through,? or perhaps the round opening of a huge circular drain under a railroad track to a pond on the other side? While driving along the Saint John River this morning taking pictures of Common Goldeneye Ducks which we saw there, I suddenly knew what my topic would be. Nothing is more distinguishing that id's a male Common Goldeneye than the round, white circle on its face! I love finding Goldeneye to photograph, another beautiful feature of this species is its golden eye which can easily be seen in the photo above. Seen below is a pair, male and female, and you can see by the white dot, that the male is on the right. The female is not so easily quickly id'ed as it does not have the distinguishing white dot as the male does.

To learn more of Thursday Challenge please click on the Goldeneye photo on the right sidebar on this page.


  1. Cool feature ... love those little squares with the other birds there.

  2. Riel, I thought you were referring to the Goldeneye and I was going to correct you by saying they ewere circles, not squares. But now I get it, you mean the feature: You also might like:It is a fun and interesting feature I think. I enjoy seeing what posts rare brought up and enjoy rereading some of them.
    Love your new blog and the lighthouse quilt.Mom

  3. Perfect circle! That's one duck that hasn't shown up here yet for me :-) I'll try to remember that distinguishing feature.
