Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A seasonal waterfall for Watery Wednesday

For a couple of years now, ever since hearing about this seasonal waterfall within the city I have been planning on checking it out. Apparently its source of water is the seasonal run off from melting snow and the thawing of the moisture soaked land above it. I took these pioctures on Sunday when the temperature was at 0 degrees C. There was no running water and no waterfall, only the frozen remnants of what had been. We have been receiving heavy rainfall the last couple of days. I have no doubt that there would be a beautiful, quite active waterfall at this location right now. I hope I get back to the city before it disappears again and I can get real waterfall pictures.
To see other contributions to the watery Wednesday meme, please scroll up the right hand side of this page until you come to the watery Wednesday icon, then click on it to add your contribution to Mr. Linky or to see contributions of others. Happy Wednesday to all.


  1. That is a most unique kind of waterfall.I like it with the icy flow.

  2. Oh, the beauty of spring with cold nights and warm days. It always creates strang things.

  3. How pretty this is. I hope you do get back to see it running.

  4. But this is so pretty! I really love that first photo. I hope things warm up for you soon!
