Monday, April 26, 2010

Finding gold for mellow yellow monday

The yellow centers of wild strawberry blossoms were a golden surprise to find  today. Its seems early for these blossoms.this Trout Lily aka Dog-toothed Violet or Adder's tongue. was a wonderful wilflower surprise yesterday. Tomorrow's post will feature the adder's tongue of this interesting wildflower

This second picture represents all the golden joy in our yard over the weekend.  We had lots of

To learn more about Mellow Yellow Monday or perhaps you might like to contribute your own yellow based photo please just click on the link here:at:


  1. adder’s tongue in bloom
    nestled in leftover leaves
    snow has fled these woods

    Mellow Yellow dining room

  2. What a great contrast of the flower against the leaves. Great photo.

    Darryl and Ruth : )

  3. Perfect choices from nature for MYM. The bird is wonderful and almost as yellow as the cup.

  4. You have a good eye. A delightful find.

  5. Wonderful wildflowers....makes spring worth waiting for.
