Saturday, July 10, 2010

About the header: A flying dove with a flower in its beak.

I would like to express my thanks and admiration to my 5 year old grandson, David, for allowing me to use his beautifully completed mosaic tile art work,David used a commercial kit with pstterned sheets and and coloured tiles; this DJECO mosaic product can be found at. David told me he worked really hard on it and he is very proud of his completed work! Well done, David!" I can also realize that this picture is probably what had prompted his question to me," If a raven were flying with a flower in its mouth , then how could it breathe if the flower petals covered its nose?" Good question , David!


  1. Did you have an equally good answer? Kids can ask the most interesting questions but our sensible answers aren't a patch on their imaginations. Your David has done a very fine job on that mosaic. Many adults would be stretched to match it.

  2. Excellant David. Very creative.

  3. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Excellent job David. You are a true artist and very talented.
    GREAT Uncle Roger

  4. I had wondered who made the header bird. David did a wonderful job! It is very colorful and so cheerful looking.

  5. i loved it at first sight! ...thank you for sharing this behind the art story!
    well done david!
