Friday, June 04, 2010

Friday Finding Beauty

FridayFinding Beauty

This is one of my favourite locations found along the river.Please click on the picture to enlarge it fot more detailed viewing. A rocky outcropping features what might appear to be a cave but not really, just the appearance of the beginning of one. This is a lovely spot to sit sand watch for Osprey fishing in the river there. One year an Eastern Phoebe had nested there and we saw several young in its nest. Beauty can be found everywhere, in many forms and guises. Claudia at Friday finding beauty hosts this meme at: If you would like to share some beauty or to view what others have please click on the url or the badge on the side bar on this page. Have a great weekend everyone.


  1. Beauty is certainly all around us. I love the way the light strikes the woods and the water. A lovely picture.

  2. I can see why this would be a favorite place. Yes,beauty can be found everywhere,sometimes we just have to stop and take a look.

  3. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Y'know Ann, I'd have no problem sitting under that rock formation... with a book, a pair of binoculars and naturally my camera

    Exit 318

  4. Truely a beautiful peaceful spot to rest.
    I love your post and pictures of the Spruce grouse.
