Tuesday, June 08, 2010

A Luna moth

A Luna Moth

A Kuna Moth, I'd never seen one before
like this one today, hanging onto my neighbour's door. So beautiful in lime green,
I wish I could find one on my screen.
Thanks Neighbour.

A Luna Moth- This morning hanging onto my neighbor's door; I've never seen one before. magnificent in lime green., the largest moth I've ever seen


  1. Freddie-Nice picture of this beauitful moth at your neighbours. Any signs of turtles these days? Turtleman and neighbour

  2. WOW! What a special find.Thanks for sharing this one.

  3. That's a gorgeous moth. The shape and color could blend right in to a leaf. Or maybe even BE a leaf shape. I love it.

  4. Wonderful! So huge and colorful. I've only seen them in photos.

  5. They are strikingly beautiful arent they? Last summer I had the liberty of seeing about 4. I have not seen any this year. They are so amazingly big and beautiful!

  6. It looks like human eyes on his wings.
