Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Orange Hawkweed for Ruby Tuesday

This clump of Orange Hawkweed was a real car stopper for meone day last week as I drove up a hill from a covered bridge and rounded a corner. When hawkweed first comes into bloom it is the yellow blossoms that seem to profilerate the roadsides and meadows. I search often in vain for the red blossoms of devil's paintbrush, the name I called this beautiful colourful orange -red bloom as a child.. I took its name so literal that as a child I would sit alongside the brook that ran through our farmyard and paint the rocks by the brook with the water from there using the blossom head as a paintbrush for wasn't it a paintbrush provided by nature? These yearly blossoms always bring back a rush of fond childhood memories for me. It is a favourite blossom I seek out each year. I was very happy to have found so many the other day

Happy Ruby Tuesday to all. Ruby Tuesday http://work of the poet.blogspot.com/ is a meme hosted by Mary, the Teach, that celebrates red. To see more contributions to this meme or to share your own red for
Ruby Tuesday please click on the url for Ruby Tuesday on this page .


  1. Those are beautiful flowers. Helen

  2. Those are great pics of the flowers, but I must say that your header pic is out standing. Wow does that speak to me of our beloved Canada

  3. Lots of that here too Ann. We used to call them Indian Paint brushes when I was a kid.

  4. I like your header photo,

    How many goslings are there? I have a similar photo.

  5. I have never seen these flowers before Ann. They are really beautiful!

    An English Girl Rambles

  6. The color is beautiful! I can see why you would notice it.
