Monday, July 19, 2010

Beautiful sea holly for Blue Monday

The numerous sea holly plants in my garden creates a beautiful sea of blue in my flower bed.
Blue Monday is a meme that hosts photos which highlights the colour of blue. Please click on the bluejay badge in the right sidebar to learn more of this interesting meme found at
. Have a great Monday, maybe even a blue oane.


  1. Ann, I was admiring (and of course photographing) Sea Holly flowering on the beach here yesterday - good idea to bring it into the garden!

  2. I am not familiar with these flowers. They are very pretty and I would love having them in my yard.

  3. I've never heard of sea holly plants, and they are a delightful shade of soft blue!

    Happy Blue Monday, Ann.

  4. Pretty blue--never seen these before. I will have to look for them next time I go to the beach.

  5. Lovely flower and such a pretty blue.
    An English Girl Rambles

  6. breath taking image,
    loved it.
    Way 2 go!

  7. This is a neat looking flower! I love the blue color.

  8. Ann, I've posted a couple of pictures of Sea Holly on my blog today, just for you!
    It's in its natural habitat, on the shingle by the sea.
    I have a daughter called Holly, similarly spiky!
