Tuesday, July 27, 2010

male hummingbird for Ruby Tuesday

This species has been shown before, but this glimpse of a young male Ruby-throated hummingbird perched in a tree appears to be so refreshing and new that its seems appropiate to post its image again for my red contribution to RubyTuesday. Please click on the picture to enlarge for a closer view.

Got photos with red? want to share them?To check out other postings on Ruby Tuesday just click on the Ruby logo on the side bar or here:http://workofthepoet.blogspot.com/. My appreciative thanks to Mary/the teach for hosting this meme


  1. It looks like he is marveling at the big world around him. Great shot!

  2. Hummingbirds are so delightful and so talented.

  3. Cool shot. I don't think I have ever seen a hummingbird perched on a branch. I usually see them hovering over flowers.

  4. Beautiful picture.The Ruby-thoated Hummingbird is always a thrill to see.

  5. Great! I seem to see lots of females, but seldom see the male when I have my camera handy. He looks like an ornament perched on the tree limb.
