Friday, August 13, 2010

Birding in my back yard.

While looking out my back windows yesterday evening I saw a Cedar Waxwings eating the ripened berries from our Mountain Ash tree. I went to get my camera and although I didn't get a picture of the waxwing. I sat on my back deck taking pictures of the bird activity in my backyard for the next half hour or so. It was a very busy location. sparrows, purple finch and a multitude of hummingbirds; all a delight to watch! And high in the evening sky, Nighthawks. Too high and fast to capture their pictures but a lovely sighting to see.This one above is rather beautiful if you click on the pic to enlarge it. The blossoms of the Queen of the Meadow lends their delicate colour to the setting that this young Purple Finch chose to pose in.
An adult male Purple Finch lends its rosy colour to my garden.
This Chipping Sparrow founds a special seed tidbit for an evening snack.
OOps!Carefull Hairy Woodpecker, you almost landed in the Fu Dogs mouth perched on top of our bowerThese Ruby-throated Hummingbirds love tp play and frisk about in our Plum tree

There were several of this little Chickadees and its buddies flitting about with their comings and goings to the feeders

And what a photo pose in these red Mountain Ash berries that this young Purple Finch chose to pose in!
None of these bird sightings were rare or unusual but they were a delightful addition to the summer colour of my back yard. I have been so busy lately that I hadn't taken the time to just sit and enjoy the beauty of nature in my own back yard.


  1. I love the first picture.The setting is just so perfect.I can almost see the smile on your face as you watch all this bird activity.

  2. You had a lot of great birds stop by! I love that first shot and did click it larger. Wonderful shot!

  3. Don't you just love your backyard residents? Mine show up everyday and bring so much joy.
