Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Nuthatch photo start of the day

While peering out my window at Bird Alley, I didn't see much activity other than a few Chickadees, Then my eyes becoming accustomed to a black and white designed bird, like Chickadees, I suddenly noticed a difference! a little bird with a black and white in its design but more. It had a rufus coloured breast
, but unlike a red-breasted Robin it was not so distinctlyRobin red in colour but rather its breast colouring was more of a Rufus tinge. It was our usual little feathered visitor, the Red-breasted Nuthatch. It doesn't visit every day to our notice, but it is regular enough us to shout out to each other, "Here's the little Nuthatch again!", when it appears.I'm hoping its species cousin, the White- breasted Nuthatch shows up some day soon to surprise us. Okay, I've had my morning coffee, tea, breakfast and medications, now its time for me and my camera to go for a drive. I'll be back later with my morning photo harvest.


  1. Aren't they sweet little birds? I love their 'big-bird' voices. Must be the season for them...we had one at the bird's watering hole yesterday, too.

  2. I love those little Nuthatches. I had only one last winter, and have not seen any since.

  3. So pretty! I love those Red breasted nuthatches and haven't seen one for a long time. Your header is wonderful!
