Saturday, September 18, 2010

Schoolbus for photohunter theme of school

Nothing speaks of'school to me as much as the image of a schoolbus. I did this painting of a schoolbus several years ago when I saw this bus to on my way to school each day. I was a teacher and I followed it to school each day. For a few years this painting hung in the office of the high school where my husband taught.Yes, we were a family of teachers, Today our eldest son is a teacher as is our daughter-in-law also.. As a mother of three children, how well I remember those first days of starting school for them and waiting and watching for the schoolbus. Just this week we repeated that ritual of waiting for the scoolbus as we waited and watched while our little grandson, now a kindergarden student get off the bus when he returned home at the end of his schoolday.

HURRah for school buses!

This week's theme for photo hunter week is school and it is open to your own interpretation. To see what others have contributed or to add your own please click on the photo huntcr bad


  1. As a fellow former teacher...yea for schoolbuses
    Mine's up, too.

  2. Great take on the time. Thanks for sharing! :)

  3. I still remember the first day of school for my eldest, me trying not to cry so I wouldn't upset him.

    My PhotoHunt is here.

  4. And I drive one of those is a pleasure to watch the little ones board on that first day of school.

  5. As a former teacher, I really enjoyed your post, especially your school bus painting.

  6. Wonderful painting! How good to know that your whole family has done so much for education! I knew that Ruth would like this one :-)
