Sunday, October 10, 2010

Evening Grosbeak for Mellow Yellow Monday

The breast of this female Evening Grosbesk is actually gray with a touch of yellow near its shoulders, but the bright early morning light really enhanced and enriched the yellowish tones. This is not a frequent bird sighting but this morning a small flock of Robins were feeding on our mountain ash berries and this female Evening Grosbeak joined in on the feast. It was a welcome sighting.

Happy Monday to all. To view a wonderful variety of yellow-themed photos from other bloggers around the world, just click on the link below
mellow yellow


  1. Great captures. It is always fun to watch the grosbeaks.

  2. What a beautiful capture :-) In that first one it looks like she's really enjoying the sunshine! Lovely colors.

  3. That early morning light is really something. Beautiful photos of these sweet little birds.

  4. That shots are so gorgeous it's so refreshing!
    Indian Corn
    Favorite Snack

  5. Such a pretty little bird!

  6. Wow! Cute birds with yellow hue! I love it! I am new here pls visit my MYM posted #70 on Mr. Linky tool! Thanks

  7. The Evening Grosbeak you use as your page header is awesome. It is my favorite of your many outstanding photos.

    Harold Doherty
