Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Red Blueberry fields for Ruby Tuesday

Yesterday we drove through woodlands along highway #785 and saw these beautiful red blueberry fields. The colour was dazzling on a bright sunny day. There was much beauty and colour everywhere. On our return home I just held my camera beside the window clicking on all the colour that I saw. The following picture captured a blur of red as we passed by.The woods in the distance, shown below, looked like an artists' working palette.
Got photos with red want to share them?To check out other postings on Ruby Tuesday just click on the Ruby logo on the side bar or here:http://workofthepoet.blogspot.com/. My appreciative thanks to Mary/the teach for hosting this meme

please note: It is not the blueberries that were red, but rather the foilage on the plants that has turned colour with the season.


  1. Very beautiful,including the blurred one.Sometimes a shot like this is a great way of showing the motion.

  2. Magnificent view, nice shots.

  3. I love the many colors of the trees as the leaves begin turning in the fall. It's amazing how many different colors are there.

  4. I love how these look! I didn't realize that blueberries were red in the fall. What a gorgeous mass of color.

  5. Love the blurred shot of red! great picts.

  6. Wow, these are wonderful, especially the blur of red. Enjoy the autumn - such a special time in nature.

  7. Oh you're so lucky to have such wonderful autumn colors! Great shots you captured...even in a blur!! Happy RT...

  8. Very interesting color Ann. I've never heard of red Blueberries.
    Some of the fields around here are purple with discarded grape skins, and oh how wonderful the air smells.

  9. Red blueberry fields! I've never seen that! Lovely photos all, Ann.

  10. Wow, red blueberries - I found very little about them on the internet. I wonder if they taste the same as the blue ones. Great photos!

  11. thank you everyone for the interest. please note. It is not the blueberries that were red, but rather the foliage on the plants that has turned colour with the season.

  12. Great photos and the colors are just gorgeous!

  13. Just beautiful captures of the colour of the season

  14. Ah lovely memories of a trip on The Océan railway two years ago, seeing your gorgeous colours and stunning blueberry landscapes.
