Friday, October 08, 2010

Garter snake in the woods for Photo Hunter

We were walking through the woods yesterday when my daughter saw this long , lengthy snake. I don't think my id is far off to call this a garter snake.It fits the description I read of a garter snake. Its pattern was one oof alternating dark and light stripes.This snake looked like it might have been about a meter [yard] long if fully stretched out, from its head to its tail. It disappeared into the ground near the base of a tree. I assume there was a hole in the ground there.

Thisweek's theme for photo hunter week is stripes and it is open to your own interpretation. To see what others have contributed or to add your own please click onthe photohunter badge at the top of the right side bar


  1. EEEK!

    Do you know what kind of snake?

  2. Glad you had your camera. Nice shots.

  3. A superb take on the theme!

  4. Anonymous9:40 AM

    EEK--but a great take on this week's theme.

  5. Oh,no! Another snake! shudder :-O
    Great stripes on it, though!

  6. Yep, it is a garter snake. Very nice to have around the yard as they eat earwigs and other beetles that are hard on the garden. Nice capture. . .

  7. I don't know what kind of snake this is but we had one in our yard and I almost stepped on it. I really don't like snakes at all! My stripes are here.

  8. Nice photos! I've never been good at IDing snakes....I just keep my distance and snap the photo.
